Year: 2024

The Hidden Groves

             The Hidden Groves


“Cmon Maia! We have to be home by 5 Pm” Ellie called out while pacing up the mountain pushing past the tree branches and flax leaves. “ Do we have to do this Ellie? “ Maia said, groaning. “Uhm of course we are doing this Maia, there is no going back now!”

Ellie grabs Maias hand and makes her run up the mountain with her so they can get to the hidden groves before noon. Ellie glanced at her watch, We’re almost there five more minutes . Ellie said out of breath.

They continued running up the hill until Ellie and Maia paused . “Woah.. What is this place Ellie? It’s magical” Maia said, looking at her surroundings.

“This place Maia, is the hidden groves “ Ellie said in awe smiling confidently.

Birds were chirping , flowers were blooming , A big waterfall was pouring down below them . It was incredible.

Ellie grabbed Maia’s hand again and pulled through some vines leading into a glowing cave . They Walked in and were greeted by tons of crystals and little eyes staring at them. 

“Ellie, it’s so bright in here,”  Maia said, shielding her face with her forearm. 

“Chirp Chirp”  Maia and Ellie spinned around in a millisecond they got a fright from the bird tunes.

“OH MY GOSH!” Ellie yelled “IT’S A HUIA BIRD”

Ellie looked around looking for a feather that had fallen off one of the sacred birds.

“What’s a huia bird ellie?” Maia questioned, still in shock.

“Huia birds are meant to be EXTINCT , they are a big part of Maori culture . Their feathers are very valuable . I heard a huia bird feather sold for 46,521” Ellie explained to Maia


 Ellie was scurrying around on the floor trying to find a feather.

“I found one Maia, I found one!” Ellie yelled excitedly. 

         “I want one too Ellie” maia said jealous 

         “Just don’t disturb the birds okay Maia”

       Maia agreed and creeped around the cave 

To look for any feathers that had fallen off the birds.

Ellies watched buzzed. “Ah, Maia it’s quarter to 5 we HAVE to go! RIGHT NOW.”  Ellie said as she grabbed Maias hand again and rushed out of the cave “ Ellie  wait I didn’t find a feather yet!”    “ There’s no time Maia, it’s gonna start getting dark soon!”

When they arrived home they showed their parents the feather.

“Ellie what are you gonna do with the huia bird feather?”

Ellie’s Mother Jane asked. “ I wanna keep it in a frame in my room” Ellie told her mother  . “ Her family agreed”.


What would you do?

Action stations term 2

For action stations, I have been learning dance.

The first week we learned a Hip-Hop dance to 7 Rings by Ariana  Grande. I found this difficult Because when we learnt the tutorial they mirrored the video for us so it was the correct way but in the real music video it wasn’t mirrored  and we had to copy it but still try do it the same way as the mirrored video.

I enjoyed it because it was good to be challenged .

The second dance we learned was a folk dance called heel and toe Polka. What I found was difficult was learning how to swap arms well linking with different buddies.

Homopolar Motor

This experiment is super easy and lets you see the magic of magnetic force in action .


You will need,

  • One Battery
  • 5_10 cm of copper wire
  • 4 Neodymium Magnets


  1. On a flat surface stack the magnets on top of each other.
  2.  Place the battery Positive side up on top of the magnets.
  3.  Grab your copper  wire and twist it around the battery.
  4. Next grab the end of your wire and place it on the little circle on top of the battery .


Hopefully you will see good results.

This project is easy to follow . it uses simple steps , so its perfect for kids.

All ways ask a adult before doing this.

Gravity Ramp

On Tuesday we worked with Eugene for our new science topic this term. We made ramps out of card board and tested them with toy cars.


We had to measure the height and length of our ramp. My ramp height was 26 cm high and the length was 31cm.


I predicted  that my ramp would make my car travel 80 cm.My car actually traveled 1 meter and 27 cm.


My car traveled along the ground because  as it goes down it has a kinetic (active) energy and the ground has more mass than the car

Theatre sports reflection

This term I have been part of the theatre sports group.

We have been using our voices and different movements with our bodies to play a variety of drama games.

The activity I enjoyed the most was playing whoosh because it was a good game to socialize with others and speak louder in big groups. I also like whoosh because I won the game a couple of times.

The most challenging part for me this term was trying to keep the beat in lap , lap , clap , snap and point or say my name.


Beach education day

Beach Education Day


On Wednesday we went to the North Beach Surf club for Beach Education with the lifeguards. We learnt about irb’s which stands for inflatable rescue boat . They cost 10,000 to 15,000 for one boat. One of the most interesting things I learnt during the day was that the rescue boards can have up to 6-8 people holding on . This was interesting because the board is very skinny but has lots of handles in case lots of people have struggled in the ocean. The most challenging part of the trip was  when we had to make a show in ten minutes . The best part of the day was when we got to go in the water .Charlotte and I were jumping the waves and diving through them  .