Category: Hanga | Create

This is my 2024 all about me.I have put my name , favourite colour, my favourite food and more . I think  its very fun to make a all bout me because you get to draw and think about your colours and your hobbies.

What do you think about my all about me and would you  make a all about me?

Geometry Scratch

The past couple of weeks we have been doing scratch for math.

in this scratch project I have made two regular polygons a square and a triangle.

For my square I had to code it to do 100 steps wait one second then a ninety digrees clock-wise and repeat the process 4 times.


This is my rat going up the stairs . This was one of the activities we had to do for scratch coding

This is a activity where you have to get Zane the red person to Fatu the blue person .


This activity was where you got given a random code and see what it creates mine created a cross.

This is my scratch sprite making a surprise shape. I chose a code and guessed what it would make I guessed a circle. It created a S .

Today I did card 12 for scratch it is a bunch of squares . it had two seperate codes with a couple custom blocks.

Day of the dead art waork

Today for CRT we made papel picado I made two. One was of my dog Bronx and the other was just a random one . I think this activity was fun. It was a independent activity which means you don’t have a buddy. Papel Picado is something you make to celebrate the day of the dead but you don’t have to do a dead person or animal you can do alive as well.

Axolotl life cycle

Axolotls are a type of amphibian with a variety of different colors , but they can not go on land like other amphibians.


The Axolotl life cycle is started when a fully grown female axolotl lays hundreds of eggs and the tiny axolotls begin to grow gills inside the eggs then slowly form into larvae . Larvae is a gooey substance that the axolotls stay in until they are born. FACT: axolotl eggs can only be laid in freshwater.

When the larvae hatches out comes the little tadpole sized ambystoma Mexicanum which is the real name for axolotl .

The axolotls slowly start to grow arms and legs and their body size expands as well.

Axolotls tend to eat brine shrimp , worms , insects , tadpoles and fish.

Axolotls can never be fully grown; they stay young adults forever. After a while they start the life cycle again and lay their own eggs.

I think axolotls are cool creatures and they don’t smell . Would you like a pet axolotls?

My learning goals

today for  cyber smart i had to fill in a couple of slides with my learning goals off hero they were math , writing and reading.

do you have hero goals?